
To build a thriving restaurant business, proper compliance training must be in place. It establishes the safeguards and standards that will keep your business on track. Providing the appropriate training will empower your employees and cultivate a workplace culture that feeds directly into the success of your business.

3 Ways Training Can Protect Your Restaurant Chain

Since writing my last article, Restaurant Training: 3 Powerful Ways Restaurants Benefit From eLearning, I began noticing high profile PR disasters popping up on the news. For instance, there was an incident where the employees of a large restaurant chain were caught using company food packaging to hide illegal drugs. Another large technology company had to fire 20 of their employees over sexual harassment claims. These stories remind us of the crucial need to have proper compliance and onboarding training in place.

When it comes to creating a healthy workplace environment, one cannot assume that workers have an already in-built knowledge base for compliance issues. For that reason, it is essential to provide training for even the most fundamental company standards and regulations.

In this article, I would like to highlight 3 vital areas compliance training can help keep your business safe.

1. It Reduces Food Poisoning with Food Safety and Handling


As a restaurant, customers are your top priority. The last thing you want is for them to get sick on your watch; the results can devastate your company’s reputation, lead to a crippling fine and even closure. To avoid this scenario, your employees must be empowered with the knowledge and training they need to deliver quality service. A majority of restaurant training addresses foodborne illness and cross contamination prevention, personal hygiene, and proper food temperature. By equipping employees with knowledge in these topics, they are empowered to help prevent potential food poisoning situations.

Where I live, the Public Health Department recently rolled out the new food and safety rating system (pictured above) for Seattle and King County. The use of emojis is a clever visual for the public to make informed decisions on where to eat. After reviewing the accompanying food safety guideline, I have an even greater understanding as to why my customers take such pains to develop and mandate so many food safety and handling courses for their employees. By having the proper food and safety courses in place, the chances of food poisoning decreases and quality service increases.

2. It Reduces Sexual Harassment Lawsuits

Recent high profile scandals remind us that managers, supervisors, and employees alike must receive proper training for sexual harassment prevention. Any behavior considered to be sexually harassing in the workplace is a serious matter and can devastate an organization and its employees. Even incidences that someone might consider harmless or a joke can be perceived as sexual harassment to another.

Also, if employees are aware of the investigative and mitigation process within the company and government agency, they will learn to take this matter seriously. With the right course materials and delivery, a proper code of conduct can be instilled in your workers.

Don’t let a sexual harassment violation catch your company off guard. With the right training, respect and honor can be cultivated throughout an organization, preventing costly lawsuits and creating an uptick in workplace ethics and performance.

3. It Sets a Standard for Onboarding and Employee Orientation

The onboarding process involves more than just product and customer service training; it includes HR policy and compliance. Orientation courses provide employees the opportunity to learn the company’s commitment, policy, compensation, work standard, performance evaluation, and benefits. It helps to creates a streamlined learning process and boosts employees’ confidence in the workplace.

Even after an employee has completed their orientation courses, it is advisable to have a yearly training review and and provide easy-access to digitized copies of their employee handbook.

Keep in mind that specific positions—such as a cook, cashier, manager, waiter—have unique functions and may not be covered in the orientation. In this case, it is good to have personalized training courses per position and a Learning Management System that helps remind and track the customized learning plans for each employee.

By having a handle on company culture and knowing their role and responsibilities, employees will be happier and will perform well.


The big takeaway? Don’t underestimate the importance of employee training. If big corporations can mess up in the 3 points mentioned above, how much more should we do our due diligence to do everything in our power to help our employees succeed? With the proper regulation, compliance, and orientation in place, risks are lowered and a healthy workplace is cultivated. Employees can be empowered with the knowledge they need to perform well and help sustain a thriving workplace environment.

*This article was originally published on eLearning Industry

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