
Lifelong learning is an important element of successful companies that move with the trends, innovations,  and have agile systems. Companies that don’t invest in their human resources are usually set to have unmotivated employees and huge employee turnover. To improve their existing skills and to learn new ones, employees need ongoing training.

For years researchers have conducted studies to find the perfect training methods.  A challenge companies face is deciding on the best training method for their employees. The training method has to fit with the industry the company operates on, the type of work they do, and their employees. This is why different methods work for different companies.

How To Choose The Right Training Methods For Employees

1 in 3 employees says that training is uninspiring and often prohibits learning. This statistic is primarily due to the fact that managers choose the wrong kind of training method for their employees. Since people are considered the most valuable resource to a company, it is quite important that the way we choose to advance their skills is the right one. The way that you operate your company and the industry it is in plays a big role in choosing the right training method. Same goes for restaurant employee training.

Your employee’s personality traits are an important thing to consider. Extroverted people learn better in interactive methods, where they interact with other people and discuss their ideas. People who are introverted usually prefer learning on their own or instructor-led classroom training.

There might be different types of people of personality traits amongst your employees and this can make it hard to adapt to each and every one of their preferences. This is why many different types of research have looked at the employee training issue from another angle. They have come up with 3 key learning styles; visual (learning by seeing), auditory (learning by hearing) and Kinaesthetic (learning by doing). These are basic categories in which fit many different kinds of employees.

Bellow, you will find a number of these training methods.

Classroom-based training

Classroom-based training has to be one of the oldest and most common training methods, and it takes up around 42% of the company’s training hours.  It is mainly centered around the lecturer. This is when a specialized person in a certain field holds lectures in front of the employees. This method is best suited for people who enjoy listening to others and learning from professionals.

This benefits of this method are plenty. Classroom-style training allows the employees to interact, ask questions and learn from professionals. It also builds the relationship between the trainer and trainee, and fellow trainees who learn from each other.

This method has some disadvantages as well. While it is a simple and easy way to train your employees, it becomes more difficult when there is a large number of them. Some might even not feel comfortable to ask questions and get involved and they might finish the training without learning what they had to.

Interactive methods

The interactive method is a modified classroom-based method. The participants here are not only free to ask questions and give answers, but the whole method is based on the interaction between participants. These methods seem to eliminate the formality of the classroom-based method and treat the participants quite equally. This method does not only allow information to flow freely but it also encourages participation, confidence, public speaking, etc.

The interactive method comes in many formats. This is why it is so adaptable to many different companies. Group discussions are a great way to break the traditional formality of learning but they are not adaptable to all. This is why methods like case studies and simulations quizzes and demonstration have become so popular amongst teaching professionals.

Case Studies

Case studies are a great example of an interactive training method. This is where the employees are faced with real, workplace problems that could happen to them as well. By analyzing the way a company has handled an issue they can learn what to do and what not to do, what works and what doesn’t. Learning by example is a great way to learn, this is why this method is so effective.


Simulation is one of the most extreme training methods. Participant has to get into a role and try to find solutions for a hypothetical problem. This method is usually used in high importance jobs, like the military, medicine, etc. That’s because there is no room for mistakes in these jobs and they are quite intense. This kind of training can also be very expensive.

Hands-on training

The hands-on training method is one of the most preferred by employees. Around 52% of adults say that the best way to learn is by doing. That’s because they get to face the job since the first day of training and see the ins and outs of it. This training method quickens the learning process by a lot.

But this method is not loved by all. Just like all the other methods, it also has its disadvantages. Many people have trouble diving straight into work. They prefer and find it easier if they have a concept of the things they are going to do first. This is mainly with tasks employees are ought to perform for the first time and have never before done. This method is also impossible to use in certain high risk and high-security jobs. It helps if the employees have some previous theoretical training.

Coaching and mentoring

Mentoring is quite possibly one of the best ways to learn. This is because this method requires that the trainer focuses their entire energy in one particular employee for a certain time. When a professional deals closely with the employee we are set to have higher rates of success.

Around 71% of Fortune 500 companies have mentoring programs. A mentoring program is a great way to invest in your employees and it pays off in productivity and innovation. But a mentorship program requires that high performing professionals step away from their professional roles and focus on mentoring younger team members. This takes an initial investment and sacrifice but it pays off in the long run.

Computer-Based training and e-learning

Technology advancement has made it easier for everyone to learn and teach anywhere at any time. Computer-Based Training or CBT is the use of computers to access training programs. CBT takes many forms. It can be online, web-based, mobile, and distance learning. We can trace back the birth of CBT training to learning of computer applications, but it can also be used to train employees on general knowledge and skills.

CBT and e-learning have many advantages. Not only are they flexible training methods, set to adapt to many different types of learners but they are also cost-effective in the sense that they save organizational costs and time. They are also very convenient for people with special needs.

The greatest disadvantage of CBT is that it is expensive to develop and deliver complex computer software to share training materials and managing the learning process. However, nowadays, the market is full of learning management systems that cater to different industries. They have made learning and keeping track of it incredibly easy.

Learning management systems-LMS

A learning management system is a software that helps people keep track of training materials, tracking progress, creating reports, etc. Learning management systems are built to identify teaching gaps, and using data to perfect training methodologies. An LMS is perfect for restaurant employee training and there are many ways that restaurants benefit from eLearning.

Video training

Video training is a training method made popular only recently. Technology advancements have made it possible for people to learn in every environment. And what better method than the one you can take with you anywhere you go and play it whenever you have time. This teaching method seems to be the most flexible one out of all and fits perfectly with our dynamic lives.

Employees as well love this teaching method. 75% of them say they’re more likely to watch a video than they are to read emails, articles or documents. Video training also makes employees more productive and the information is more likely to stick with the employees. A visual stimulation engages people way more than a verbal lecture, document, or even a powerpoint presentation.  

Although video training is a very effective way to engage with your employees, the fact that it is a new method scares people still. The reality is that 90 percent of employees find video learning an effective method to communicate work-related information. Companies like IBM and Microsoft practice video training for their employees.

There are many ways how video training could be practiced in companies. Some of them are animations, live action, screen recordings, and to-camera. These types of videos are suited to different companies and different topics.

Outdoor Training

Outdoor training is a method that is quite different from the aforementioned. This one can only be used to train employees in specific fields since the outdoors is not a suitable environment for many different jobs. A thing outdoor training can be used for by all is to build team spirit and to encourage teamwork.

Social Learning

Social learning is a fairly new training method. Because of that, there are few studies that support it and its benefits are mostly unknown. But that doesn’t mean that it is not effective.  This training method pushes people to new perspectives where they gain new problem-solving skills.

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