

Every employer wants its staff to be highly trained so that their productivity level is sky-high. An untrained employee won’t be as efficient, especially in the fields where there’s at least one rush hour throughout the day. While a person might lack the skills needed to work in the field of hospitality, it doesn’t necessarily mean that they need to get fired. In fact, inexperienced and underprepared employees can achieve their full potential by joining various courses in their particular position.

More and more companies and businesses around the world are choosing to deliver their training online. And, that’s where restaurant LMSs come in. But what exactly are they? We’re going to find out right about now. 

What Is a Restaurant LMS?

A restaurant learning management system is a software application designed to provide training solutions specifically for restaurant chains. Through a restaurant LMS, all the restaurant staff gets trained in a specific area—from cashiers to the chefs. Many specialized content providers offer numerous programs; for instance, a restaurant server training program can be one of them.   

What makes a restaurant LMS unique and very much needed is the practicality. With just a few clicks, the existing restaurant training content can be uploaded and converted into appealing digital lectures and quizzes. It also helps you measure how much your staff is engaging with the lessons so that you can give your recognition and praises to them. 

When it comes to finding an excellent restaurant LMS, Kiwi LMS is undoubtedly one of the best. Although there are many options to choose from, let us tell you that no LMS can let you create customized learning experiences for your team and be affordable at the same time as Kiwi can. 

Benefits of a Restaurant LMS

More and more every day, the popularity of the restaurant LMSs is increasing. This may come as a result of the numerous benefits that it can bring to the user. Here, we elaborated on about seven advantages of the restaurant staff training provided by the restaurant LMSs. Let’s take a look.

Reduced turnover

One of the issues that the hospitality industry deals with the most is the high rate of people who decide to leave their jobs after a relatively short time of employment. The whys behind this decision we might discuss another time, but right now, we want to focus on what can actually be done to reduce this high turnover rate. This is where the restaurant LMSs come in. 

Employees want to be invested in, be part of ongoing pieces of training and development processes. Through this, they feel respected and appreciated as they understand that you’re planning on bringing them with you to the future.

An enforced standard operating procedure

When it comes to the material that is going to be included in the content of a restaurant LMS, one thing that is quite important is that the exact same material should be distributed across all your facilities. A standardized and centralized LMS is there to ensure that your staff is being taught the same material. 

Reduced training costs

Holding training sessions certainly will come with its costs. However, if we compare the costs of an onsite training course with LMS costs, there is certainly a huge difference. While for the onsite training, one would have to worry about finding a training site rental, the instructor’s travel costs, and printed eLearning materials, a restaurant LMS won’t let you worry about that at all. No manuals to be printed, no need to book hotel rooms for your instructor and no instructor is really needed as you can yourself can get in that position since you can create the lessons without the need of any help. In turn, you know what your staff is equipped with and what skills they lack. Based on that, you can create a personalized program that caters to their needs.

It facilitates employee onboarding 

There are hundreds of cases of people coming and leaving within a short time in the hospitality industry. That’s why having new people joining your staff can be a hassle as you have to present them with the aspects of their jobs to quickly adjust to them and become an important contributor to the organization. However, thanks to its features, a restaurant LMS can take this job out of your hands. This technology solution can use the standard curriculum and learning plans across the different locations.

More training is done in less time

A restaurant LMS is able to spare the staff getting trained quite some time. Through an LMS, they won’t have to search and browse content relevant to their job position. Instead, all they need to do is log in to their restaurant LMS and read from the restaurant’s new uploaded content or continue where they left off. Usually, restaurants deliver personalized and targeted training, and that’s what makes a restaurant LMS highly effective. No time is spent on something that won’t benefit the employee skillset and the restaurant itself. 

Employees have access to the materials in real-time

One thing that makes an LMS a must for restaurants is how every piece of training material is grouped and put together. With a simple login, you get access to all of them. One won’t find the need to spend time looking for them as would be the case if the training would be held onsite. Also, in cases when new material is added, or any changes are made within the existing materials, the staff will always be up to date with them.   

A better training method

Online learning is becoming powerful with each day that passes. While until recently, it might have been a frowned-upon learning platform, the pandemic showed that it could be a practical and inclusive experience. According to a study conducted by the Research Institute of America, e-learning increases the participants’ retention rate by 25%-60%—a significantly higher percentage than traditional training, which is 8%-10%

No face-to-face interaction

Well, this one right here is a double-edged sword—some may consider it as a benefit and some as a drawback. However, we’re talking from the perspective of those who want to learn and get trained at their own pace. Whereas being face-to-face with someone means that learning is being done at the pace of someone else. While there is nothing wrong with that, there are times when people feel like learning at a particular time and speed, which can’t be suitable for the other party. And this is easily achieved through a restaurant LMS. 

A restaurant LMS certainly has many benefits. That’s why many companies have already put their eyes on it. Its benefits are numerous, and if you too want to be eligible for these benefits, you can always try Kiwi LMS and benefit from its practicality and affordability. You don’t want to miss the chance of having to work with one of the best restaurant LMSs on the market.