
When you start reading about the eLearning industry, you come across the CMS and LMS acronyms quite a lot. They are both of great importance for the eLearning industry and it is crucial that we understand their differences (other than the first letter) and their similarities (other than the last two letters).

What is a Learning Management System

A learning management system is a software that helps people keep track of training materials, tracking progress, creating reports, etc. Learning management systems are built to identify teaching gaps, and using data to perfect training methodologies. An LMS is a perfect way to distribute educational courses. Learning management systems were designed to identify learning gaps by analyzing reports and data. That way, we get to understand the way people learn, what works best, how we can improve training materials, and what are the most effective training methods for employees.

An LMS embodies all the benefits of eLearning. One of them is the ability to work in any device without compromising the quality of the training material, even in mobile devices. Mobile friendly LMSs are the future of learning.

What is Content Management System

A CMS, short for Content Management System, is a software that allows multiple people at once to add, modify, and delete digital content. The users are granted permission that allows them to perform a number of tasks on a CMS. These systems are a great way to centralize all aspects of content at the same time. The transparency on a CMS allows for a better experience in content creation and management to all its users by storing all information in one place, including the changes being made.

The similarities

A learning management system and a content management system both give you the ability to create, edit and delete content for teaching purposes. You can use both of them to create a website where the students can sign up and take the courses. They also allow you to manage the training content that is presented to them and allow users to engage with it. Both of these systems are crucially important to eLearning.

The differences

The differences between an LMS and a CMS are why they are used for different purposes. LMSs are solely used for training courses, while CMSs have a wider range of uses. A CMS is a simpler version of training content software. Students are limited to only viewing the content. An LMS on the other hand, allows the students to interact with the content instead of just viewing it. This is what makes an LMS a better software to use if you’re creating training programs. They have the ability to complete courses, take tests, and give feedback on the courses.


Learning management systems and content management systems have some differences and a few similarities. Both of them enable you to manage eLearning courses but the differences between the two should be considered before purchasing either system due to their significance.

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